Taking the Plunge to become an entrepreneur really is possible with minimized risk; without having to give up your job or career and investing thousands of dollars!

Do the Entrepreneurial DNA Scorecard

Living Life on Your Own Terms

Calling the Shots
Controlling Your Schedule
Increasing Your Income
Realizing Your Potential
Achieving Your Goals and Dreams
Making a Difference

An Entrepreneurial Lifestyle allows you to Live Life on Your Own Terms because YOU decide!

Do the Entrepreneurial DNA Scorecard

Are you tired of...

  • Dreading the start of a new week?
  • Working 8-10-12+ hours a day for someone else?
  • Life being an endless loop of wake, work, sleep, rinse, repeat?
  • Hoping something better comes around?
  • Having Big Goals and Dreams and no way of achieving them?
  • Not having the money and time for the life you want to live?
  • Ringing in another New Year and life is still the same?

There is hope! Life doesn't have to be like it is forever!

Do the Entrepreneurial DNA Scorecard

3 Simple Steps

that make it possible for the average person to become a $6-Figure Entrepreneur
Do the Entrepreneurial DNA Scorecard
-Gain confidence knowing how your mindsets compare with those of other successful entrepreneurs
Compatibility Check
-Get to know each other to ensure we're a good fit for each other, and that we can help you create the lifestyle you desire
Take the Plunge
-We'll help you develop Entrepreneurial Mindsets, create a personalized Game Plan, and be your guides on the journey of becoming a $6-Figure Entrepreneur, Living Life on Your Own Terms

Meet Some of Our Team

John and Angela Amato

Scared of what life would've been like!

Becoming $6-Figure Entrepreneurs changed everything and allowed John and Angela to design their lives! Looking back it's pretty awesome to see that: Angela was able to be a Stay-at-Home mom; their children attended Private Schools their entire educations; the whole family spent 3 weeks in Beijing during the 2008 Olympics; and as a family they've enjoyed many beautiful Carribean sand beaches.

John and Angela continue to Play it Forward so others can enjoy the lives they hope to live.

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

Discover the mindsets that can give you the courage and inspiration to go after your goals and dreams...to Take the Plunge!